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Measurable Social Distancing

Examining the trends of the data collected by our IPS 403 NB-IoT Traffic Sensor which were installed in the Center of Budapest –as part of an earlier project with Smartlynx Ltd.- it’s clear to see and measure the real effects of both the pandemic emergency announcement (March 11th) and the latest emergency announcement (March 16th) on our daily routine and daily habits.


There has been a decrease of traffic data -  the vertical axis –, which shows the fact that more people have chosen real and responsible social distance. Looking at the effect of curfew restriction (announced 27th of March) you can observe a small peak caused by a sudden purchase intention. After this the previously percived pace was restored.


We are proud that the collected and transmitted data measured by our products can help to quantify and analyse the real situation under these special and unusual conditions.


to be continued...


Source: ATLO Koronamonitor



Source: Intelliport Sensor Management Platform