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LTE 450 status report

LTE 450 MHz networks are providing efficient and secure communication between smart devices in more and more places around the world. International use is very diverse, mostly used by the utilities sector and emergency services. In Hungary, the 450MHz network operated by MVM NET was built primarily to serve the needs of the government and energy sectors, and has now achieved over 95% area coverage nationwide.

The spread of the technology is justified by the advantage of lower frequency networks, which can cover larger areas by installing fewer base stations, thus achieving lower construction and therefore lower operating costs with faster deployment

 LTE 450 in the World

The map below clearly shows that 450MHz networks have already been deployed and are operating in South America, Northern Europe, Russia and Hungary, while they are about to be deployed in much of Europe and Africa. *


Predict the number of high-bandwidth (LTE Cat-4) devices

Forecast the number of high-bandwidth terminals supporting LTE Cat-4 technology based on data from seven service providers (Asia, Europe, and South America). *



Predict the number of low-bandwidth (Cat-M, NB-IoT) devices

The forecast shows the expected number of terminals supporting NB-IoT and LTE-M technology based on data from nine service providers (also Asia, Europe and South America). *


Despite the otherwise convincing estimates above, it is difficult to make an acceptable prediction about the future of an evolving technology. The 450MHz Global Alliance, an association of manufacturers and operators committed to the use of 450MHz technology, of which Intelliport is a member, attempts each year to predict the number of devices using 450 technology. rising trends are expected internationally in the markets that use the technology, we are proud to be part of this development.

 *Forrás: 450 MHz Global Alliance